
Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common disease, the development of which can be caused by numerous factors: psychoemotional factors, concomitant diseases, bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and much more.

It should be remembered that erectile dysfunction is not a condition that you can give up and decide that you can live like that.

There are numerous data that show that erectile dysfunction can be a kind of marker of various cardiovascular diseases, so it should be considered not only from the standpoint of quality of life.

Therefore, if you have any doubts about erectile health, you should consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis, determine the factors that led to the development of erectile dysfunction, assess the effect of concomitant diseases and choose the optimal treatment in each specific case.

Erectile dysfunction without effective treatment in most cases progresses (increases in severity).

Effective treatment of erectile dysfunction in men can also have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional indicators of both partners: increase men’s confidence, improve their self-esteem; increase satisfaction with sex life; improve relationships with a partner, increase satisfaction from these relationships; increase sexual satisfaction from intercourse, arousal, pleasure and satisfaction with treatment (the opinion of partners whose men received treatment). The text is for informational purposes only and cannot replace a visit to the doctor. At the moment, doctors use various effective methods of treating erectile dysfunction, which are selected on a case-by-case basis. Before starting drug treatment for erectile dysfunction, doctors may prescribe measures to minimize risk factors for the disease and to normalize the lifestyle to improve erectile function and / or increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. One of the drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction is Cialis. Cialis acts for 36 hours. The effect appears within 16 minutes after ingestion in the presence of sexual arousal. There was no clinically significant effect on sperm characteristics in men who took Cialis in daily doses for 6 months.

Erectile dysfunction.

Side effects
Most often: headache, dyspepsia.
Possibly: back pain, myalgia, nasal congestion, flushing of the face.
Rarely: swelling of the eyelids, eye pain, conjunctival hyperemia, dizziness.

Simultaneous administration of drugs containing any organic nitrates; children and adolescents up to 18 years old; hypersensitivity to tadalafil.


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